RiTika's Story 0f Becoming...

On the outside, I was a successful and dynamic leader. But on the inside - nothing could have been farther from the truth. 

I remember getting up every morning and preparing myself for the day - it felt like I was going into battle. I had to be ready to take on anything that came my way. It was given to me, I handled it , and I handled it well! 

That was my superpower.

The reality was, I was living in 2 worlds and no one could see or understand that. But I managed to keep all the balls in the air until one day… I just couldn’t anymore.

It was January 2011 and I had 3 major challenging life events happen all at the same time. Even while my life crumbled around me, I still had to show up everyday handling every big and little thing that came my way, keeping it all together for the team, myself and everyone else - making sure that everyone thought that I was fine. And I was - until I wasn’t.

My life and career still looked shiny on the outside but the truth was I felt so lost, alone and confused. I questioned everything. My job. My purpose.  I felt all alone and in so much emotional distress.

And then that’s when I really hit a wall. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I broke down sobbing, on my knees, screaming at God, alone in my apartment, in horrible grief over my life, or more importantly I should say what I thought my life should be. And that night - my life changed forever. 

I crashed that night… and then I woke up! 

I knew there had to be a better way. Living like this, feeling so out of alignment and like I was constantly pretending to everyone in my life - it was no longer an option. 

And so began my journey with my own coaches and mentors who showed up exactly when I needed them. 

I learned that even though I was feeling broken and lost that THIS turmoil was actually what would lead me to the next better version of myself and life. 

That as I started to put the pieces of my life back together- I could do it in a way that banished the two worlds I had been living in. I would stop hiding behind the shiny success and finally feel on the inside the way I’d always wanted to feel.

Under the guidance of my mentors, I started implementing key strategies each morning to help balance myself for the day. 

I discovered that when I started my own day strong, feeling the inner confidence to show up in my full truth, purpose and identity without wavering, it positively transformed the inner story I told myself about my life, which then shifted how I outwardly led my life. And it totally changed my days. 

The battle had ended.

The silent internal struggle of living 2 different lives was lifted and I finally felt as powerful on the inside as I was perceived on the outside. I had figured it out. And I knew that I had to help make sure no one else went through the same struggle that I did.

Are U ready for this level of transformation?

Bonus - I took the exact steps of what I did every morning during my journey to start feeling powerful on the inside as I seemed on the outside and I put them into my brand new guide.